Thursday, 25 April 2024

News Exam practice and case study

 Contexts you can be asked about - in q 3

  • Political
  • economic
  • historic
  • cultural
  • social

Q4 - evaluate a theory - 
How useful - in relation to a news form

Case studies - 
Political contexts - DM - right wing - roll of dice makes the return seem exciting - guardian makes the tories seem desperate

Historical context -  papers have become more digitalized - David Cameron - used to be Prime minister - DM - shown to be a savior - veteran who will save their party but guardian make it seem like a last resort - pathetic effort

Social - Both the guardian and DM have an older viewership for the physical papers however digital has younger viewer ship but gets buried under all the digital news shown these days

Cultural - UK is a right wing country - 

guardian is user funded
Extremely moderated comments - turn comments off for controversial posts
left wing
used yellow as its first color processed by humans

Daily mail has high image to copy ratio

Jenkins - theorist for news - if it doesnt spread its dead
Shirkey - end of audience - no such thing as a passive audience - all participatory 

  • critical of left wing
  • omitting Boris from story
  • hired him

The Guardian-
  • black and red show guilt
  • showing boris
  • higher image to copy
  • more hard news for secondary story - migrants dying

Social media - hard to find the story as social media is avbout fast and interactive news so the story has alr been buried

Website - 
Guardian - 
  • live rolling news
  • front and center
DM -
  • boring negative news on Meghan Markle

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Lupin and French Culture

 Assane Diop - second gen immigrant in family - father falsely imprisoned for a robbery

 Babakar Diop - butler to the Pellegrini family - Assante's dad - gentleman - falsely accused of the theft of an important necklace - hangs himself - introduced Assane to the Lupin gentleman thief

Hubert Pellegrini - rich man of the Pellegrini family - rude and hateful

Juliette Pellegrini - Daughter of Hubert - kissed Assane - the one who gives away the necklace once retrieved

Anne Pellegrini - Mum - seemingly racist however warms up to Babakar and accommodates his son allowing him a free book and use of the pool - didn't stand up for Babakar when framed despite knowing his innocence

Claire Laurent -  Assane ex wife - still seemingly in love 

Raoul - Assane and Claire son

Guerdia - Police inspector - interested in Lupin

Benjamin Ferel - Made the fake necklace

Plot Points-

  • Assane and Claire met in a cafĂ© to discuss finances and kids
  • Babakar helps Anne Pellegrini fix her car
  • Babaakr is framed for robbery 
  • Assane owes money to some thugs
  • Assane plans a robbery
  • Young Assane uses the Pellegrinis fancy pool and flirts with the daughter
  • Babakar hangs himself 
  • during the robebry the thugs betray Assane however he alr planned for that
  • Assane reads the book Lupin from a younger age and obsesses over the idea 
  • The necklace that Babakar 'stole' was found and put up for auction
  • Assane works in the louvre as a janitor 
  • The robbery goes south when the escape driver crashes into the louvre

Omar Sy - extremely famous in France but has featured in international films such as Jurassic World and X-Men

  • Simple - shows the Louvre and Assane in the middle - brain in the centre - foregrounded
  • Outfit - formal casual shows his versatility 
  • Immigrant placed in front of a national landmark renowned for its sophistication and knowledge

French Culture - 
  • Cuisine
  • Landmarks - Louvre, Eifel Tower - most visited country in the world for tourism 
  • Fashion
  • City of love

How Lupin subverts culture - 
  • Assane Diop and Claire the ex wife are divorced in the city of love

French media and film - 
  • First films before Hollywood
  • Small industry nowadays - about the same as UK
  • Examples include - Amelie - A charming story about a French girl with an active imagination, La Haine - a realistic view of Paris about 3 immigrants in the suburbs of Paris and casted unknown actors - discusses corrupt police, poverty , racial tension and much more, Emily in Paris - a more stereotypical yet fun depiction of Paris about an American who moved to Paris for work in fashion
Issues in France - 
  • Very racist/xenophobic 
  • Riots due to racist attacks from police
  • French national front - political party that's openly racist - quite popular party
  • Hijabs banned in school
Mise En Scene - 

Lupin- clothing and portrayal - Mixed up costume of designer and tracksuits - makes him seem mysterious and shows all his personas and heritage - expression - confident - eye contact - background - shadey - stolen artifacts

Emily in Paris - stereotypical costume - wears a beret and flannel - looks confused - in conversation - background - glamour - sunglasses inside - no food - very esteemed

Todorov - Narratology
Not media specific
studied fairytales and their patterns
typically have a set storyline - equilibrium - disruption - and then the new equilibrium
during the disruption the main character must change - 

Application to Lupin - equilibrium - working as a janitor
disruption - unveils his plans to  rob and does steal the necklace of Marie Antoinette
New equilibrium - Lupin is revealed to be a genius thief

What is significant about Assane and how he is portrayed?

Early in ep one he is portrayed as a poor man working as a janitor to repay debts and pay child support - how French view immigrants - poorly paid - uniform - fits in - no identity - 

latter half of the ep shown to be a rich buyer - subverting French conventions and stereotypes - still fitting in but to a completely different class - shows how shallow French society is - 

During the car in the rain scene - Mr. Pellegrini is shown to have no manners when addressing Babakar with a look of disgust - Babakar was soaking wet and Mr. Pellegrini gave Babakar another task

In another scene with Assane in the pool - another racial stereotype is shown with the notion that black people cant swim where Juliette asks if he can swim and offers a kiss in exchange for a length of the pool - 17 - 13 age gap makes Juliette  seem 'in control' of the situation

Editing terms in Lupin - 

Cross-Cutting - editing between two locations/times - such as the time jumps with memories

Parallel editing - Editing two places at the same time - two sequences unraveling at the same time such as the different perspectives at the necklace heist in ep 1

Opening scene shots - media language - 
  1. POV as Assane looks at the necklace shows how personal it is to him foreshadowing
  2. long to mid shot of  Assane looking at the artwork - looking at Mona Lisa - painting known for its fake smile - deception matches Assane's personality
  3. Mid shot as Assane is getting changed into janitor outfit - establishes him as lower class
  4. establishing shot of Paris - now landmarks - worse part of the city matches Assane's persona
  5. Over the shoulder of Assane with his ex wife - she's the one talking to him - she's the one in power in the scene by berating him
  6. aerial shot of the Louvre contrasts the class of the workers inside
  7. two shot of Assane with another janitor talking about how poor he is
  8. Ariel shot of the janitors shows them all going in different directions

Later scene - 
An aerial shot is used to establish that Assane is no longer in the nice part of Paris and a more crime ridden and poorer area - 
thug 1 - Vincent - the boss - doesn't touch Assane however instructs and decides wheather he is thrown or saved
thug 2 - the muscle who is throwing Assane over the balcony
thug 3 - driver - seemingly uncaring playing a racing game

Second Screen Effect - people using another screen while watching - sometimes foreign shows with subtitles bore audience as they need to focus on one screen - results in a higher sophistication audience- AB - lots of viewers don't enjoy the dub of foreign language films as it is believed to reduce the authenticity of the show

Lupin CH 1 study - 
  • Starts with a French statement that its a Netflix original
  • can translate to any language 
  • ariel establishing shot of the Louvre - high budget - 
  • underground - Louvre janitors entrance - variety of ethnicities walking to collect supplies - all seem lower class based on costume - however all security are white French men
  • non diegetic suspenseful music
  • shown the main characters name as Luis Perrena - not real name shows the secrecy of Lupin as a show

film rev

 3 new techs in shang chi Used Skywalker sound - a company Disney owns for sound effects Weta for their visual effects - who use layers for ...