Tuesday, 12 December 2023

From Snow White to Shang Chi

  •  The debts were paid off  until Walt spent it all on new films ,millions of profits in the bank then Walt buys a studio which grows and grows and is now the huge global conglomerate
  • reduction in quality to speed up process had to occur but Walt hated this idea
  • WW2 saw the Disney studios commandeered
  • Walt died in 1966 making the jungle book
Places Snow White is seen outside of her film
  • Sophia the First - A tv about a young princess receiving guidance from established princesses
  • Shrek - DreamWorks owner used to be a boss of Disney
  • Wreck it Ralph
  • Disney Land
  • Macey's window display
  • 9 to 5 - a film
  • Games
  • Wandavision

Despite the films huge success, on release their was so much buzz about the actual film an dhow innovative it was that nobody stopped to think about the problems of the film such as all its blatant sexist scenes and overall messages conveyed - this could be due to how the film was made in 1937 and based off a fairy tale from the 1800's so it was very old fashioned and is not representative of todays society
Disney has had to change with the times.

Some problems Disney faced include-
  • Naming characters after their flaws
  • The representation of dwarfism
  • Huge consent concerns over the 'true loves kiss'
Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
  • Heir to the throne of Atlantica - an underwater kingdom
  • 16 years old
  • isolated but wants to explore (common theme in Disney)
  • Rescued a prince from a shipwreck (somewhat newer theme in Disney of the female saving the prince)
  • Antagonist is Ursula who wants Tritons throne however is killed by the prince

Diversity/Lack of in Hollywood-
The film industry was accused of being too white, American, narrow, straight and too male - Lack of representation and diversity.
#OscarsSoWhite - in 2020 almost every Oscar nominee was white or straight - found that 90% where white of the nomination committee - unrepresentative of America

Disney's response to this was Shang-Chi as well as more diverse casts in the remakes

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