Thursday, 14 December 2023

Press Freedom

 Phone Hacking Scandal

  • Rupert Murdoch
  • missing school girls phone hacked
  • parents checked the girls voicemail and saw them to be regularly checked and they and police believed her to be alive
  • turns out the news had accessed her voicemail and she was long dead
  • Official papers would hack phones or voicemails
  • An ex MP's affair was exposed this way
  • families of terror attack victims and families of dead Afghanistan soldiers
  • All happened under Rupert Murdoch's paper news of the world edited by the prime ministers communications officer
  • The newspaper is now shut down
  • the Leverson inquiry investigated the practices and ethics of the press

Daily Mail online publish about 2000 articles per day which equates to about 4000 pictures per day - essentially impossible to regulate. Instead, complaints and inaccuracies are raised post article - this means that the news has already reached its audience. Regulators are reactionary.

OFFCOM is the TV news regulators and news on a whole is regulated by certain rules -

IPSO is the chosen regulator for most national papers but is not state backed. Impress however is and gets money through the government - this is a problem as any governmental stories any be covered up or reported less
The Daily Mail is regulated by IPSO and The Guardian is regulated by themselves as they don't believe IPSO is good enough

1- 2 mid market tabloids: daily mail/express
2-The Sun, the Times and sunday times
3-Right wing
4-Mirror Daily express/star
5-no bias as its supported by multiple people
6-daily mail
7-we're backing Britain
8-the heart of Britain

Case Study-

June 16th 2023 - Ethics committee investigating if there were parties during COVID lockdown
Despite being proven to have lied about it, there was still support and opposition for Boris in the press
The Daily Telegraph essentially avoided the entire story
The I condemned him as well as calling him a liar
The Daily Express called the whole situation a stitch up
The Mirror also called him a lair
The Daily Mail called it a vindictive bid against him and hired him to write for them
The Guardian reported it fairly neutrally however named his punishment and what he did

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