Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Ownership and Regulation


Vast majority of news is consumed physically (print) however this is very dated and could soon change.

The Daily Mail is the most visited news site in the WORLD.

Shows that their is 2 diff audiences for online and print news however 55+ aged audiences are vital as statistically they vote the most.

The fourth estate - The people/organizations that produce the news have an 'unofficial' yet significant political influence

Horizontal integration - buying the competition

vertical - buying the entire process


  • It is important to have free press in a democratic society - fourth estate holds the powerful to account
  • Viscount Rothermere owns Daily Mail group and had 30+% market share - 2nd to news corp - news Baron
  • Majority newspapers have a right wing bias
  • Most popular news site is the mail online - 4.5 million unique daily users
  • The Guardian is considered the most popular news source for hard news
  • The Mail have recently come under pressure from campaign groups seeking to influence editorial decisions by pressuring advertisers, They recently lost their editor for being too critical of Boris Johnson
  • Guardian viewers are typically left - Labour or Lib Dem
  • Guardian is owned by the Scott Trust charity (10% market share)
  • The Daily Mail is the biggest UK selling newspaper
  • Guardian only recently began to make profit after years of loosing money (almost a million per week) from subscriptions, donations and print advertising. Supportive of participatory culture.
  • Considers itself the world's leading campaigning/liberal voice - internationalist aspirations

Curran and Seaton-
The idea that the entire media industry is controlled by few large conglomerate companies (both horizontal and vertical integrations) 
Oligopoly - An industry dominated by multiple companies as opposed to a monopoly(one company running an industry)

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