Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Snow White and Technology

 Disney were and will always be at the forefront of technology by buying, using and even developing their own tech.

4 Key Uses of Technology in Snow White-

  • Rotoscoping - Using videos as the inspiration for movement in animation by tracing. It is a way to film real movement to create better animation - filmed live motion then put in front of a white sheet and car headlights for contrast - got tracing paper and traced the movements relative to their characters - very smooth results

  • CELS - Short for celluloid and is a transparent sheet where animations are drawn, Snow White showed 24 Cels(per second and used over 200 000 individual cels)

  • Technicolor - Transferring dye into 3 separate film strips and Walt bough the rights to the process and was very expensive however unlike previous techniques, it didn't fade. 

  • The Multiplane Camera - splits a scenery into multiple different frames (foreground/background) that can be individually moved forwards and backwards in order to simulate a live scene. Multi means more than one and plane is a flat surface so its is basically called more than one flat surface camera.

  1. Grimm brothers initial story
  2. Snow White silent film Walt watched in 1934
  3. Pitching to his workers
  4. Storyboard is made - rough drawings
  5. soundtrack/lines recorded - 
  6. evolution of the characters and refinement of characters
  7. advertising during production to maintain cashflow - made short films
  8. created their own ink out of makeup - 150 artists - 1500 colors used
  9. Edited and deleted scenes
  10. 6 months before completion, they ran out of budget money 500k was the original budget
  11. The last few months was the fine tuning stage where Walt would oversee EVERYTHING and make his own adjustments

Disney have recently reported some quarterly falls however have tried to combat it in many ways
  • Increased content
  • Disney premier access - an extra subscription that costs more to gain the premiers  -can watch it sooner- of new films - this however had many effects on cinema as their whole USP is being able to see films before the TV release
Disney have had many recent cinema conflicts one of which being Scarlett Johannsson contract for black widow being a cut of cinema profits but due to the pandemic, it never premiered so she had to sue.

                                                                             Team A-
  • 20.49 billion British pounds - how else can we make that money - would it come out of taxpayers money as opposed to 2.3 billion in streaming
  • post pandemic ticket sales were only 67% of pre pandemic so cinema is still on the rise as the hobby slowly reintegrates into peoples lives 117.3 million ticket sales last year
Team B however discussed the portability of streaming services which is a very good point however WE STILL WON

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