Tuesday, 24 October 2023

ACNH Audiences

 What Motivates Their Audiences

                                                                                                                            Social aspects are inside the game as well as through the Nintendo online subscription.    

Action- In ACNH there are bugs that can chase the character

Social- You can interact with other villagers as well as visit friends islands.



Mastery- There is an island rating inside the game - this links to achievement

Immersion- The game uses real items and animals to seem realistic


Creativity- Can customize your island at      your own pace

Types Of Player- 

Casual- occasionally have short sessions of playing games - candy crush while waiting for a bus.

Core- Own their own console - play regularly however not serious/professional

Hardcore- High end equipment - play very often - sometimes play competitively. 

ACNH is intended for the casual due to the portability of the game however it appeals to both the core and hardcore gamers.

One hardcore village I liked was a dystopian themed city - the colors were striking and I liked how the weather set the scene. This is an example of hardcore gamers on a casual and slow paced game.


Marketing In Gaming-

Most companies use large scale  and third party (usually) events to promote and market new games. - summer games fest or the Nintendo direct.

Nintendo typically keep audiences engaged with semi-regular free updates however ACNH has not been updated in over a year leading to lots of frustration among fans.

 The most powerful form of marketing for games is easily word of mouth and user generated content. Essentially the users are advertising for the company for free!!!!

How does ACNH apply to a wide audience

  • range of skin tones/hair types/eye shapes
  • more customization later on - have to play the game for a certain hairstyle
  • built on the popular Miis from Nintendo


-Audrey - played for 3 yrs - 87 yrs old

-grandson bought her a new DS when the old one broke

-hasn't completed the game yet

She became a huge internet personality - Nintendo decided to make her a villager INSIDE the game



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