Wednesday, 18 October 2023

River Island

 Established in 1948

250+ UK stores

expanding worldwide and online

conventional high street fashion advertising

Social campaign- #labelsareforclothes.

Similar to dove as they both promote positivity with yourself. Both use hashtags to allow intertextuality and also create prosumers as customers may post with the #.

Both attempt to create inclusivity within their brand.

The audiovisual advert featured a wide range of actors ranging from ethnicity to sexuality. Attempted to seem scandalous by showing things that wouldn't typically be shown on adverts - stands out by challenging stereotypes

The second advert also challenged stereotypes but this time focused more on the actors' disability, ethnicity, culture and more.

Jordan Luce, wheelchair basketball player and river island affiliate/influencer. condition makes him sometimes wheelchair bound. Also French.

I think RI used him as he bridges the gap between disability and the more able bodied as he is only occasionally wheelchair bound it shows how having a disability doesn't make them completely separate from able bodied

I think RI interviewed Luce to make him and all the people he attempts to represent seem more approachable weather its about their ethnicity or disability.






25% of UK citizens are classed as having a disability however only 4% of characters in adverts are disabled.                                                   

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