Thursday, 28 March 2024

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

1980's Context

Historical context -
  • Ronald Reagan - right wing
  •  The Cold war 
  • Margaret Thatcher - right wing
  • AIDS outbreak

Social and Cultural context-
  • Disco and synth music
  • Extravagant hair and makeup
  • MTV 

Media Context-
  • Spielberg 
  • Sci-fi
  • Back to the future
  • Dirty Dancing
  • ET
  • First mobile phones
  • 2nd and 3rd Star Wars films
  • Alien
  • Poltergeist
  • The Thing
  • Ghostbusters
  • Pac-Man/arcades

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Stranger Things

 tribute to the 80s

4 boys - Mike Wheeler - leader - dungeon master - rich

Will Byers - outcast - gay - poor - disappears - lives in the woods - dad left

Dustin Henderson - loud - cowardly - disability 

Lucas Sinclair - black American - picked on for his race

Eleven - Given  a number - sci-fi - mistaken for a boy - shaved head - lab experiment - lacks identity - telekinesis

Johnathan Byers - outcast

Nancy Wheeler - 'good girl' - studious - good grades - corrupted by Steve

Steve Harrington - reputation as a slag

Joyce Byers - overworked - frantic - single mother

Barb - friends with the pretty girl

Hopper - drunk - disgrace of a police chief - dead daughter

Principle - black - in charge in the 80s

Mr Clark - friend of the boys - science teacher

Benny - owns a diner - helps eleven - dies for being caring

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Long Form TV Drama

  •  Synoptic module - summary of everything.
  • Media language, representation, audiences, industry and theorists
  • compares big budget American drama and a more niche foreign language drama - first episode of each
  • 40 marks - 30 marker and 10 mark theory question

Stranger Things-

  • 4 seasons
  • Netflix original by the duffer brothers
  • Will goes missing
  • set in the 80's
  • El was raised in a lab
  • Will is cycling on the same bike as used in ET
  • Set in Hawkins Indiana
  • Will is an outsider of the group - gay, poorer than the others with a single mum
Types of TV drama - 
  • Longform TV drama -used to be restricted to 20 episodes ALWAYS - Netflix changed the game by allowing as many episodes as they wanted
  • Soap
  • One-off
  • Short form TV drama

  • On release was the most watched non-English show on Netflix - since overtaken by squid game
  • season 1 split into 2 5 episode parts
  • About a high profile thief - seems revenge fueled
  • set in France
  • centered around the Louvre
  • Heist
  • French history and culture
  • High intensity
  • ethnicity
  • Arsane Lupin isn't the main character but the French sherlock Holmes but with thievery - mc bases his personality and crimes off his stories

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Radio 1

 BBC license fee covers 57 radio stations

9 TV channels

BBC online 

BBC IPlayer

BBC World Service

S4C - Welsh Language TV channel

Local TV

Broadband and infrastructure

Political Contexts - 

Conservative since 2010

BBC stance - Slightly left wing as it is paid for by license fee and it is a public service

Sit Down Stand Up with     Tom Holland - 

Random calls - have to guess if they are sitting down or standing up - often call celebrities or big names - also shows best moments on social media.

lots of graphics and animations for all the Radio minigames

Big names include Greta Thunberg, Stormzy, Lorraine, Timothee Chalemet.

Unpopular Opinion R1BS - With Benedict Cumberbatch

Gregg allows listeners to call in and discuss their unpopular opinion with a celebrity - bridges the gap with celebrities and normal people

BBC Radio 1XTRA -substation of BBC radio 1 that supports and celebrates black music ranging from R&B to hip-hop - UK and global music

has MANY hosts - no main one but all from different cultural backgrounds

718k listeners

BBC radio Dance - 

Lots and lots of hosts

place a mix of back to back current and future and classical electrical dance music

BBC radio 1 relax - 

Chill music to get listeners into a calm headspace

many hosts 

6.6k listeners

launched in 2021

film rev

 3 new techs in shang chi Used Skywalker sound - a company Disney owns for sound effects Weta for their visual effects - who use layers for ...