Fitness - young families - explorers
tribute to the 80s
4 boys - Mike Wheeler - leader - dungeon master - rich
Will Byers - outcast - gay - poor - disappears - lives in the woods - dad left
Dustin Henderson - loud - cowardly - disability
Lucas Sinclair - black American - picked on for his race
Eleven - Given a number - sci-fi - mistaken for a boy - shaved head - lab experiment - lacks identity - telekinesis
Johnathan Byers - outcast
Nancy Wheeler - 'good girl' - studious - good grades - corrupted by Steve
Steve Harrington - reputation as a slag
Joyce Byers - overworked - frantic - single mother
Barb - friends with the pretty girl
Hopper - drunk - disgrace of a police chief - dead daughter
Principle - black - in charge in the 80s
Mr Clark - friend of the boys - science teacher
Benny - owns a diner - helps eleven - dies for being caring
BBC license fee covers 57 radio stations
9 TV channels
BBC online
BBC IPlayer
BBC World Service
S4C - Welsh Language TV channel
Local TV
Broadband and infrastructure
Political Contexts -
Conservative since 2010
BBC stance - Slightly left wing as it is paid for by license fee and it is a public service
Sit Down Stand Up with Tom Holland -
Random calls - have to guess if they are sitting down or standing up - often call celebrities or big names - also shows best moments on social media.
lots of graphics and animations for all the Radio minigames
Big names include Greta Thunberg, Stormzy, Lorraine, Timothee Chalemet.
Unpopular Opinion R1BS - With Benedict Cumberbatch
Gregg allows listeners to call in and discuss their unpopular opinion with a celebrity - bridges the gap with celebrities and normal people
BBC Radio 1XTRA -substation of BBC radio 1 that supports and celebrates black music ranging from R&B to hip-hop - UK and global music
has MANY hosts - no main one but all from different cultural backgrounds
718k listeners
BBC radio Dance -
Lots and lots of hosts
place a mix of back to back current and future and classical electrical dance music
BBC radio 1 relax -
Chill music to get listeners into a calm headspace
many hosts
6.6k listeners
launched in 2021
3 new techs in shang chi Used Skywalker sound - a company Disney owns for sound effects Weta for their visual effects - who use layers for ...