Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Stranger Things

 tribute to the 80s

4 boys - Mike Wheeler - leader - dungeon master - rich

Will Byers - outcast - gay - poor - disappears - lives in the woods - dad left

Dustin Henderson - loud - cowardly - disability 

Lucas Sinclair - black American - picked on for his race

Eleven - Given  a number - sci-fi - mistaken for a boy - shaved head - lab experiment - lacks identity - telekinesis

Johnathan Byers - outcast

Nancy Wheeler - 'good girl' - studious - good grades - corrupted by Steve

Steve Harrington - reputation as a slag

Joyce Byers - overworked - frantic - single mother

Barb - friends with the pretty girl

Hopper - drunk - disgrace of a police chief - dead daughter

Principle - black - in charge in the 80s

Mr Clark - friend of the boys - science teacher

Benny - owns a diner - helps eleven - dies for being caring

Hopper intro scene - 

  • follows Wills disappearance
  • Starts with a closeup of his dead daughters picture - sellotaped to the wallpaper - precious and old
  • Hawkins usual safety is shown by how Hopper doesn't lock his door
  • He wears his daughters hair bobble
  • Camera panned across the house - smoothly panned - alcohol - pills- unfinished food - books (Ernest Hemmingway) - half opened box - keys not hung up - poker chips - bullet - ash tray - tv left on overnight and when he left - sleeping in day clothes on the sofa - woken up by a dog barking (dog also barked at the Demogorgon) - New shot - outside - serene seeming - smokes first thing in the morning to smoke - appreciates natures beauty - showering montage with jump cuts - taller than the shower - inserts tabs, pills and beer into his morning routine - jump cut to find he's in the police (later revealed as the chief) - leaves home leaving the TV on - doesn't tidy or lock door
  1. something went wrong in Hawkins lab
  2. Will Byers is taken by the Demogorgon 
  3. Nancy has a nerdy friend but is getting with the popular guy Steve Harrington
  4. the 4 boys are bullied
  5. diner owner Benny discovers eleven and feeds her but is later killed and she escapes
  6. search party assembled to find Will
  7. Boys meet eleven in the rain
  8. revealed Hoppers daughter (Sarah) died
  9. police team are all shown to be essentially useless
  10. Joyce gets a phone call of Wills breathing

o-Will and his friends
o-eleven plotline
o-older teens
o-Hawkins events

Stranger Things industry and context

  • First aired on july 15th 2016
  • 8eps written and directed by Duffer brothers
  • Brothers born in 1984 and loved filmmaking from third grade using a h18 video camera
  • Wrote and directed many films short and long - all had a horor aspect
  • Director M. Night Shyamalan hired them for a series called wayward pines
  • Hidden - 2015 first Duffer feature length film - horror - about hiding - similarities about the unknown
  • The Idea - came from an interest in experiments and mind control - Project MKUltra - during the cold war a mind control experiment by the CIA - wanted to ground the supernatural to be grounded in science

Lots of merch!!

Fans act as ‘textual poachers’ – taking elements from media texts to create their own culture. The development of the ‘new’ media has accelerated ‘participatory culture’, in which audiences are active and creative participants rather than passive consumers. They create online communities, produce new creative forms, collaborate to solve problems, and shape the flow of media. This generates ‘collective intelligence’ - evident in all the stranger things communities - fandom wear merch and post online about it.

Todorov for stranger things - 
Equilibrium - Kids being kids - playying games
Disruption - demogorgon escaping
New equilibrium in ep 1 - find el - still 4 kids though

quiz - 
  • the vanishing of will byers - ch 1 - Trumps America - eliminating outsiders
  • The Duffer brothers
  • released 15th July 2016
  • Netflix exclusive and original
  • set in the 80's
  • Cold war, Project MK Ultra, 

Ta-Dum - Netflix noise
FFB - fade from black
first seconds - intro linked to Star Wars - camera tilts down to a lab after showing the date and setting, inside the lab - corridors link to alien - 
scientist running - goes from long takes to smaller short takes - spliced together
 - switches to POV of him looking down the corridor - 
alien is actually above him - aerial shot - alien pov - 
cuts from scientist being eaten to a sprinkler - sound bridge - sprinkler indicates higher class - non diegetic VO - still outside but can hear boys talking inside - switches to inside as they are playing a game similar to what happened to the scientist - the thing poster is shown in the room - shown as equals to start - playing the game shows their personalities - Mike is a leader - storyteller - Will is indecisive and timid - Dustin is geeky - and Lucas uses abrasive language to show an attempt to seem more mature - non diegetic SFX when Mike places the Demogorgon - foreshadowing - Dustin and Lucas arguing to Will on weather to play it safe or risk a 'fireball' - Mother comes down to tell the kids to pack up there game as its 'too late at night' - mike attempts to reason with Mom with reverse shots of POVs - non diegetic synth music in the background - Dad just says to listen to their mother.
As the boys leave - Dustin offers Nanci a slice of pizza while shes talking boys with a friend on her bed over the phone - slams door in Dustins face - stereotypical girl performance (Bell Hooks) - as Will leaves he tells mike that he didnt roll the right numbers to survive and that the demogorgon got him - foreshadowing - Wills honesty has no place in Trumps america so he is taken. Hoppers scene shown as seen above
Johnathan shown as a binary opposite life to Nanci - missed his brother coming home as he was working - making breakfast for everyone 

Netflix's own take on 12 days of xmas on their official Netflix
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