Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Media Language

 How the media through forms, conventions and techniques communicate meanings and the way meaning is embedded into a text.


-modes, tools and how they convey their meaning

Master Shot - a camera angle that captures every main character  - shows significance of a scene


Period Drama - set anytime other than current day

Mise En Scene - in the frame -

-body position/language



-setting and props


High angle- makes object small/vunerable

low angle - makes object large/threatening

birds eye view - unnatural makes object seem strange- god angle looking down

canted angle - off kilter shot - shows sleepiness/drunken/disorientated

eye level - neutral shot, gives realistic impression like we are watching the action

ariel - would see in a vast/dense area

close up - to show faces/detail

2 shot - Shows a close relationship

extreme close up - lots of detail

over the shoulder - to see persons pov and wider surroundings conversation

Pov - shows charectars perspective

long shot - show wider details around somethingh

establishing shot - hsows a scenery/emphasises a specific object or place

wide shot - shows surrounding area of an event

master shot- shows all the main charectars - emphasises importance

mid shot - more immersive

jungle book mes-


long/ wide shot

-dim lighting

-looking up

-makes mowgli look alone



denotation-person licking a lolly

connotation-shes enjoying it/sexual

myth- all women who enjoy ollypops are promiscuous


Writing Task-

In this image the preferred meaning behind the advert is that men who wear this aftershave will be strong, handsome, protective and attractive - very stereotypical. Furthermore the  image uses a 2 shot to show the close relationship between the 2 actors almost making the viewers associate this kind of fancy relationship with the product.

mise en scene - in the image the woman takes a very vulnerable position to the man suggesting he is her protector - dark lighting makes their relationship seem alluring and matches the branding - both wearing fancy clothes to make the product seem like the pinnacle of sophistication - set on a rooftop to once again emphasize the rich lifestyle that 'consumers would live' if they purchased this product.

Van Zoonen - discussed the differences between men and women's roles in media and this is evident in this image as the woman is shown to be the weaker one hiding behind the man - links to costume as she's wearing an almost backless outfit to show her 'weaker' stature whereas the male actor has a prominent jawline and broad shoulders to emphasize his stereotypical role as the protector.

An oppositional format of  this advert would be the woman protecting the man which may even help sales as 70% of aftershave is purchased by women

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