Nintendo announced ACNH over a year before the release in order to generate excitement in the community. They released a first person video talking to one of the characters Tom Nook which gave an immersive experience to the audience which is vital for a social simulation game.
Animal Crossing has many many different forms and items of merchandise ranging from plushies to clothing items and even my personal favorite as shown below!!!!
ACNH cat costume. |
This advert covers the social aspect of the game by following a narrative of a fractured friendship group broken up due to one member moving house and animal crossing is shown as the glue that holds the group together
Adverts from the game generally take turns targeting every single age group, essentially as soon as you can hold a switch you can play animal crossing to the day you die!!
How businesses make money from selling a product. In the gaming industry it ranges from as simple as pushing a coin into an arcade machine, to buying an entire game or even little exclusive and customizable options inside the game.
Digital Convergence-
Where you can access multiple forms of media from one device. for example, on a phone you can listen to music, play games and watch videos/social media. Makes media much more shareable. Some video game systems pioneered this method such as the PlayStation that allowed multiple games to be played on one console
no longer passive in their consumption of media as they can interact and shape the game through sharing, streaming and interacting. People can be payed to stream their gameplay.
Console Wars-
3 big brands in the console industry, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo - driven by technological advancements - in order to increase console popularity these consoles sometimes release console exclusive games to attract more customers to their consoles.
Best Selling Consoles OAT
PS2- 157 mil
DS- 154 mil
Nintendo switch- 122.5 mil
GameBoy- 118.7 mil
PS4- 117.2 mil
PS- 102.5 mil
WII- 101.6 mil
PS3- 87.4 mil
Xbox360- 84 mil
GameBoy advance- 81.5 mil
The statistic that surprised me the most was the WII being so high up as it was widely regarded as a family console however things like GameBoy advances were personal and would need to buy multiple for a family.
One pattern that I noticed was that handheld and portable devices tend to do better than stationary ones
ACNH and DOOM eternal released on the same day - boosted each others sales
Henry Jenkins-
Fandom Theory-
Where 2 companies join together to increase sales.
Nintendo initially resisted industry developments in monetization - didn't buy into 'loot boxes' and in app purchases. Instead, Nintendo generally focused on releasing high quality, bug-free releases.
However, recently Nintendo have capitalized on industry monetization trends. Charges 17.99 a year for nintendo online - free games and online play - can visit other ACNH islands.
ACNH released for£50 and has no in app purchases - once u buy it you have everything.
Consumer game software market valued at £4.28 bn in 2021. - 11.4% growth since 2019.
fastest growing industry.
Video games often outsell film or music.
How Nintendo protect their products.
Seal Of Quality- guarantees you have purchased a Nintendo quality product
Nintendo games depreciate in value very slowly due to the exclusivity as well as the quality they state they have.
other platforms like steam, tend to regularly discount games or lower the price after a certain amount of time.
ANIMALCROSSING - £50 on release and £50 today.
Nintendo have managed to stay out of console wars due to their advertising as a family console - gentle ads and low age ratings. Easy to use hardware - Wii controls - hybrid (tv and handheld) of a switch - touchscreen on the ds etc.
This digital convergence is huge in japan due to the busy working lives, a handheld console to be able to play games whenever they get a shred of free time.
Hearts Of Iron IV - Comparison Case Study-
-War themed
-Action - the theme that ACNH misses
-Older demographic
-Single player, complex strategy game - long play sessions(hardcore)
-Indie games - independent game with no publisher - target a smaller audience as the games don't cost as much to make
Another game that released in 2020 was Spider-Man Miles Morales-
-An open world game to a much larger scale that ACNH
-dissimilarly to ACNH it is also an action game
-A lot of focus on the soundtracks
-Also a huge success