Friday, 29 September 2023

Audience DVLA


Media audiences are the groups that a specific media is targeted to. 

Audiences can be differentiated by age, gender, country/region, political view, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, economic circumstance, education, social class and much more.

One example would be occupations- 


It’s not always so simple as having a target audience and reaching them….

For media forms that are targeted to children such as a product wanting to use advertising on TV as their media medium would encounter a problem in which the children can’t always actually purchase the products and thus the advertising must somehow reach the parents weather that’s through word of mouth from the children or physically advertising to the adults (which could prove problematic as an advert for adults wont always interest a child and vice versa). This is called DUAL AUDIENCES - when your media is intended to reach multiple types of audiences.


One media theorist who studied audiences would be Albert Bandura who studied the media’s effects on their respective audiences. He believed that th E media can influence people directly and that human values judgement and conduct can be directly altered by ‘media modelling’

He believed media representations of violence or aggression could lead to imitation and that the media can affect single audiences or entire social networks.

Overall the media’s ways of reaching their target audience is clever and often unique however the fact that media can reach and affect such large masses is quite unnerving - interesting to learn about though!!

Language DVLA

 Media language is how it communicates its meanings through forms, conventions and techniques and the way meaning is embedded into a text.


There are many ways to analyse media forms.
One method is exploring the ‘mis en scene’ which means in the frame 
It includes -
*body position

Furthermore the media can be analysed by-
Mode-the physical host of the media
Denotation-the literal meanings
Connotation-the underlying messages

One media theorist who studies language is Jean Baudrillard who explored the fascinating idea of ‘postmodernism’ which is the idea that society has moved past true meanings - discusses how products loose their meaning - for example using Jordan trainers for fashion.
He argued that as a collective society we moved past the ‘modern’ methods of production of goods and has now moved to the ‘postmodern’ society built around simulation.

In conclusion, the language of media shows us what the intention of certain elements of media entail and how they push their narratives.


psychometric profiles

 The aspirer - invest in themselves - vain - status

The Explorer - new things/brands - discovery

The Mainstreamer - normal - largest group seek security-don't take risks

The Reformer - self improvement - spiritual - socially conscious

The Struggler - victims of society - live for the day - nihilist

The Succeeded - high social status - can afford it - want the best as they are the best

Game For Old People


 Our game with be tailored to old people. 

It will be cheap, simple and large letters for their old old eyes.

Its a card game that matches nostalgic images to their definition or old songs to their artists and even tv shows and films. 

It will include an old person avatar with customization options and accessories won by points that are earned by progression in the levels.

The game will be portable and on app stores and feature a simple tutorial for the fossils to enjoy.

No wifi is needed.

new tech allows online play without wifi or mobile data

Thursday, 28 September 2023


 Advertising-The process of making a product known/liked and trusted by its market

Marketing-Covers all aspects of getting the product to the market

The advert i remember most would be the golden coin maker kids ad. I remember it due to its catchy and slightly annoying theme song here - Golden Coin Maker from John Adams - YouTube 

Parts of adverts to identify-



*Type of shot



*Depth of field




*use of text/copy

*Font design/size



*which issues/values, groups or individuals get represented

*what kind of representations are constructed 


*Target audience

*how do we know

*How is the audience attracted/positioned

GVA generated by UK advertising in 2019 - 17.1 billion GBP

Money spent on print advertising in 2019 UK - 1.37 billion GBP

Money spent on digital advertisement in 2019 UK - 16.5 billion GBP

The  loreal advert creates a representation that suggests anyone who uses the product will look like Scarlett Johannsson - she essentially represents the product through her looks.

For the men's advert, the representation is Ryan Reynolds with very typically masculine features to show what that product represents.

INTERTEXTUALITY- One product referencing another product 


This ad uses a dual shot to show the type of relationship you 'would attain' if you used the product - Also uses dark and stereotypically 'manly' colours to show th emasculine target audience. The ad uses a bold font with no serifs to show th esimplicity of the product making it seem almost second nature to use. Uses Z framing to tend to a western audience. the representation of the stereotypical ways of a woman 'serving her man' is shown by her physically shaving the male actor - this entices the male audience as it makes them pine for that sort of lifestyle despite probably being untouched by the opposite sex if they use a 3 in 1 product. Furthermore the slogan 'what men want' creates almost a hyperreal situation where it suggests that those who dont use the product arent masculine enough. The bold title new suggests that its a new and innovative product which catches the eyes of many. The image is pretty sexualised as well to once again reach their target audience and entice them. The preffered meaning of this product is to push masculinity and reach the male audience - this is done by the repeated use of the phrase for mensuggesting that only men can use this product thus giving a hint of exclusivity. Humour is used

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Industry DVLA

 media industries-

The processes of media industries can be separated into three stages


The first stage of the industry process would be


The physical creation of the media form.

This includes - writing, scripting, directing, casting, editing

Many production companies form partnerships with distribution and circulation companies as to ease the industry process and even lower costs. Popular production companies in media include Warner Bros, Daily mail and Pixar.


How the media product is released and shown once produced.

This includes - cinema releases, premier nights, sales to streaming companies, the sendouts of newspapers etc.

Distribution is typically the stage that earns the most money for media businesses.


How the media gets around post release

Including - DVD, music tours, online attention etc

Circulation is often controlled by the masses of consumers and not the companies that produced or distributed the media.


Many areas of the media are controlled by a few large scale company for example 70% of UK press is owned by 5 large companies

An example of these large scale companies would be News Corp that was founded by ex owner Rupert Murdoch. This company owns 19% of UK press and its done by buying out many large news companies. News Corp owns many large companies like SUN, SKY , FOX, daily telegraph and much more.

Scary as this sounds, there are still some non privately owned news sources such as BBC which is governmentally owned and was founded to act as a counterweight to the privately owned companies.


Another surprisingly powerful company would be Disney , behind all the magic and nostalgia lives a huge global conglomerate that owns animation companies in Pixar and even franchise films like Star Wars.

It even owns its own streaming service which removes the need to sell its products rights to other companies leading to increased profits and a more loyal consumer base

These methods of large buyouts have drawbacks such as the increased saturation in the industry and less variety as if one company owns all media then certain features, writers and even actors would be reused.

One media theorist that discusses the industry is David Hesmondhalgh who suggests that companies find it difficult to generate profit and thus often rely on repetition - evident in many Disney films!!!!!!

I agree with his theory to a very limited extent as he is essentially invalidating new ideas and suggesting they aren’t worth it and repetition can even lead to decreased sales or bad reviews through saturation and evident lack of effort.

Overall the media industry is interesting as it covers the methods of creating media as well as giving insight as to who’s behind the media we all see.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Media Audience

i like wotsits giants flaming hot.

Dual audience- for target audiences that cant purchase the product

prosumer- producer and consumer

Audiences can be differentiated by age, gender, country/region, political view, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, economic circumstance, educatiuon, social class

Some forms of media are seperated into job categories
A-doctors lawyers scientists and other well paid proffesionals
B-teachers, middle managers and fairly well paid proffesionals
C1-junior management, bank clerks, nurses
C2-electricians, plumbers, carpenters
D-manual workers, drivers and posties
E-students, unemployed, pensioners

One example of a popular brand being targeted to one of these categories would be

TV show-Peep Show are targeted to c1 and below as they want the viewers to relate to the main charectars who are unemployed or have a mundane job
Video Game - Plants Vs Zombies target everyone but more notably E as its a game tailored to a younger audience and is also free to play
Film-Wall-E is targeted to E as its for a younger audience however it could be applied to all job categories as it has a fairly affordable subscription to watch in disney plus

Baby Boomer-1946-1964
Gen X-1965-1976
Gen Z-1996-2010

Native Digital Learners-generation that grew up with modern technology

Friday, 22 September 2023





Rupert Murdoch stood down yesterday as head of Newscorp and handed it down to his son Lachlan.

This leaves many questions - Whats next for news... Will the trend of large buyouts finally end... Whats next for the world?



The representation of media is the ideas it conveys to its audience. This may include the dominant stereotypes of certain groups in society and their individual countertypes, archetypes of other groups and even binary opposites to unify the medias viewership against a select group.

Straying away from the news, many forms of media represent themselves in a certain way such as advertisements for products resulting in products loosing their meaning and intention - this is called post modernism an example of this would be Jordans being used for everyday footwear. These advertising companies also sometimes portray unrealistic messages thus alienating their audience, making them feel abnormal and thus more inclined to buy their products - this is called hyperreality - where consumers reality is warped by unattainable standards, objectives and items.

There are many media theorists that discuss representation in media-

One  well known example would be Liesbet Van Zoonan who discussed representation in media from a feminist perspective. She states that ‘gender is performative’ and how our ideas of femininity and masculinity are shown through our roles in media and states how gender is ‘contextual’ and changes with culture and history. She essentially believes that our gender is shown through our actions and is not as simple and set in stone. Zoonan does not believe that the internet is tailored to women and believes the internet as a collective views men’s and women’s body’s and roles in a vastly different manour.

Representation in media is demonstrated to many groups, these groups can be separated into a simple acronym-






Each of these groups are affected and treated differently in the media industry and leads to many conflicts which are admittedly improving- an example of this would be advertisements in the early 2010s often had very little representation of different groups such as ethnicity. This is evident in the advert linked here - . This advert was shown nationwide to kids and showed 2  white children and on the box of the product was 3 more white and seemingly able bodied children. The lack of representation was unjust as even in 2010, around 7% of UK residents were not born in the UK. These adverts (shown to children) pose a risk as it could alienate those who don’t fit into the same ethnic groups and even give young children close minded views about their country and residents. Changes are being made though!


There is also increasing representation in the cinema industry. An example of this is Disney who have recently created more culturally diverse films and even starred different ethnicities to highlight other cultures. This is evident in the film 'soul', a film about a teacher named Joe who is struggling to reach his dream of being a piano player in a jazz band. This film does a great job of showing the world other cultures and increasing the representation of the African American community in film.

Representation in media is also an increasing problem due to advertisements and general media sources conveying unreachable standards for appearance. This is called hyperreality - when your reality is permeated with hyperreal images - personal perception on what's real becomes warped - end up chasing the unattainable - the photoshopped picture becomes the norm and you become abnormal. This has cause MANY issues for the vast population of young people as the bodies and appearances seen on tv are often edited or rare however because its so widely viewed, it becomes expected of people to look like those unrealistic appearances.

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Media Language

 How the media through forms, conventions and techniques communicate meanings and the way meaning is embedded into a text.


-modes, tools and how they convey their meaning

Master Shot - a camera angle that captures every main character  - shows significance of a scene


Period Drama - set anytime other than current day

Mise En Scene - in the frame -

-body position/language



-setting and props


High angle- makes object small/vunerable

low angle - makes object large/threatening

birds eye view - unnatural makes object seem strange- god angle looking down

canted angle - off kilter shot - shows sleepiness/drunken/disorientated

eye level - neutral shot, gives realistic impression like we are watching the action

ariel - would see in a vast/dense area

close up - to show faces/detail

2 shot - Shows a close relationship

extreme close up - lots of detail

over the shoulder - to see persons pov and wider surroundings conversation

Pov - shows charectars perspective

long shot - show wider details around somethingh

establishing shot - hsows a scenery/emphasises a specific object or place

wide shot - shows surrounding area of an event

master shot- shows all the main charectars - emphasises importance

mid shot - more immersive

jungle book mes-


long/ wide shot

-dim lighting

-looking up

-makes mowgli look alone



denotation-person licking a lolly

connotation-shes enjoying it/sexual

myth- all women who enjoy ollypops are promiscuous


Writing Task-

In this image the preferred meaning behind the advert is that men who wear this aftershave will be strong, handsome, protective and attractive - very stereotypical. Furthermore the  image uses a 2 shot to show the close relationship between the 2 actors almost making the viewers associate this kind of fancy relationship with the product.

mise en scene - in the image the woman takes a very vulnerable position to the man suggesting he is her protector - dark lighting makes their relationship seem alluring and matches the branding - both wearing fancy clothes to make the product seem like the pinnacle of sophistication - set on a rooftop to once again emphasize the rich lifestyle that 'consumers would live' if they purchased this product.

Van Zoonen - discussed the differences between men and women's roles in media and this is evident in this image as the woman is shown to be the weaker one hiding behind the man - links to costume as she's wearing an almost backless outfit to show her 'weaker' stature whereas the male actor has a prominent jawline and broad shoulders to emphasize his stereotypical role as the protector.

An oppositional format of  this advert would be the woman protecting the man which may even help sales as 70% of aftershave is purchased by women

film rev

 3 new techs in shang chi Used Skywalker sound - a company Disney owns for sound effects Weta for their visual effects - who use layers for ...